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Eggs --Available inside Farm Center

Contact us for pricing


Beef Price

Retail Beef: (upon availability) Weight & Price marked, inside farm center freezer

Pricing: $6.20/lb

  • Our current average weight is 700lb for a whole cow.

  • Estimated cost of a half cow is $2,170.

  • Estimated cost of a quarter cow is $1,085.

  • The meat is cut to customer's specifications, quick frozen, and boxed for pick up at farm on a pre-arranged date.

$500 deposit holds your order for a quarter or half in your name.
Order Now/Ahead of time (


Chicken Meat

WHOLE Cornish Cross or Red Broiler                      

—Available ‘fresh’ in summer; ‘frozen’ inside farm center.
Order ahead



Turkey FRESH available for pick up Tuesday, November 26 at $7/lb with a $50 deposit per order. Order via Pay deposit with cash, check, or Venmo.

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Pricing for lamb

There are three costs involved when purchasing lamb from our farm:

  1. The cost of the lamb meat itself is paid to the farm.

  2. The cost of the slaughter

  3. The cost of the custom cut and wrap paid to the butcher shop. This varies based on your cut order

*Please note that due to the rapidly changing nature of the economy and multiple butcher shops, our website will not reflect the most current cut and wrap pricing.

It is important to remember that the price for your table cuts applies to ALL of your cuts so you are getting your ground lamb and your leg of lamb for the same price.

What kinds of cuts come with a lamb?
The short answer is, you get to choose! We recommend consulting a cut chart.  Call the butcher shop and ask them to help you choose your cuts. Due to the natural anatomy of the animal, it isn’t possible to get the whole animal into chops or roast. If you’re overwhelmed with decisions, just choose a “Standard Cut” and get the following cuts from your side of lamb.

Standard Lamb Cuts:

  • lamb chops

  • shoulder roasts

  • leg of lamb

  • neck roast

  • spare ribs

  • shanks

  • ground lamb

Katahdin is one of the best-flavor meat.

LAMB (1 year)          Hogget (14 mo-2 years)          Mutton (>2 years)
From hoof to carcass = 50% yield
From carcass to cuts = 75% yield
140 lb. lamb —> 46-49 lb. meat
[90 lb. lamb—>34 lb. meat] Aged—3-5 days

To Pay by Venmo

To pay by Venmo, scan this QR Code or click here.

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Farm Center is open 24/7 ‘self-service’ but we will assist you if you call or text ahead (Craig 315-380-8001)

Copyright 2013 © Twin Brook Camillus Farm, LLC, 5908 Bennetts Corners Road, Camillus, NY 13031 Tel: (315) 380-8001

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