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New Life

After a cold, dark winter, it's always exciting to witness bright new life. Our first 'forget-me-not' flower peaked through the grass on May 1st. Yellow dandelions give me tea and wine. The tulip that escaped the move to the mailbox area greets me alongside our old walkway. The peepers' brilliant sound cracks the darkness of the night.

But the best new life is ~100 baby chicks that arrived on May 2nd. These seem to be the strongest little chicks I've ever gotten. They vigorously started eating as soon as I released them from the box from the post office. At less than a week old, there's significant increase in their weight after consuming a 5-gallon bucket of 'starter' feed. 'Starter feed' is high in protein and this is the feed of choice until their feathers come in.

The postal worker wondered why we ship from another location...why we don't get our chicks local. After explaining that a local hatchery needed better customer service manners and the fact that this PA hatchery breeds their own 'Cornish Cross' with strong legs that don't give out at 8 weeks of age, he understood that there's more than meets the eye.

These baby chicks will grow up to become meat chickens...White Cornish Cross to be butchered on June 30 at 8 weeks of age, and Royal Reds to be butchered on July 28 at 12 weeks of age. There's still time to order broilers! But they go quickly, so hurry!

We will also get poults (baby turkeys) on June 18 for a Thanksgiving butchering. We're getting a 'straight run' this year--which are males and females mixed, so there will be BIG turkeys (the 'Tom' bird) and slightly smaller ones (the females). I have no idea how many of each there will be; that's the hidden mystery of farming.

We're open to 'private' farm tours. Bring your kids for the experience of holding a baby chick! Just text ahead of time to be certain we are here. With house-building going on, I'm often tasked to be the 'gopher'--go for this and go for that! Connect with us first before coming. 315-672-5741

The absolute best new life is the life that God gives us through Jesus Christ. We're open to Bible studies with you.

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Copyright 2013 © Twin Brook Camillus Farm, LLC, 5908 Bennetts Corners Road, Camillus, NY 13031 Tel: (315) 380-8001

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