COVIN-19 Boom or Bust
In these Coronavirus days and the resulting economy, here's what I would do. I would cash in a stock, buy a big freezer and fill it with local healthy meat products from local farmers.
Then, I'd buy seed, vegetable seeds, and plant a garden. Somewhere. Anywhere. In pots. In plots. Around the house. Wherever. Be prepared for the next emergency.
My mother went through the Great Depression in a large family. What saved them was having their own food source. I grew up on a farm with meat and milk and a large vegetable garden, with my mom freezing and canning. We were possibly poor but never hungry.
Our culture has digressed from self-reliance and gone to buying everything from the store. When the store shelves were depleted in late March 2020, people panicked. Except for me!
When I shop, I go to my freezer for meat, berries, or vegetables, or to the Cold Cellar where there are potatoes, apples, and jars of vegetables, broth, and fruit. We raise our own eggs (and eggs for customers). We get milk from a local farm.
I could survive. Could you? We don't have to be extreme and hoard, but we should be prepared for any emergency that might come.
And then, we need to prepare our hearts and minds by getting to know God personally. Too many people are scared out of their wits. I take comfort in talking daily with God my Father through Jesus Christ, knowing that ultimately He cares for me.
Do you need a Farm? Or a Friend? Visit us at Twin Brook Camillus Farm! We're here for you!